Dipl.-Ing. Pedro Rodriguez
Microsoft Dynamics 365-Azure Freelancer
01-07-2018 Membership by BVMW

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On 29.06.2018 I had my first welcome meeting by BVMW, Bundesverband mittelständische Wirtschaft. Unternehmerverband Deutschlands e.V. in order to make effective my membership by BVMW, Region Osnabrück.
BVMW is the biggest Mittelstand association in Germany with more than 550.000 companies, 11 million workers, 300 information points and active in 40 countries.
What I look for in this membership is to have direct contact with german managers, specially in my Region Osnabrück in order to heard about their digitization efforsts and lobby for projects based on Microsoft Dynamics 365 - Azure.
This organisation organises more than 2000 events per year and I am sure I will take part in some of them but always keeping in mind that customer is first.